Educational Management : Concept, Scope and Types [PDF] | B.ed Notes epathshala

In this article we have discussed about what Educational Management is ; What is the concept of it and what are the scopes and types it has.

What is Educational Management ?


In an ever-evolving world, the management of educational institutions plays a crucial role in shaping future generations. Educational management is not just about administrative tasks; it encompasses strategic planning, leadership, and effective resource utilization. This blog delves into the concept, scope, and types of educational management to provide a comprehensive understanding of its significance.

Every human being has several needs and desires. But no one can fullfil all his needs. He has to take help of others in order to fulfill his needs. Therefore people work together to meet their mutual needs which they can not fulfill individually.  By coordinating the efforts of others to getting results by the task is known as management. Just as the mind co-ordinates and regulates all the activities of a person, management co-ordinates and regulates all the activities of an organization.

Definition, Scope & types of Educational Management

Management implies an orderly way of thinking. It describes what and how is to be done, and how we know when it is done. Management in business and organizations is the function that co-ordinates the efforts of people to fulfill goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management consist of several steps like planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing and controlling an organization.

Simply Management is defined as the organization and mobilization of all human and material resources in a particular system for the achievement of identified objectives in the system. Educational management is the process of utilizing not only the human resources but also the material resources so as to effectively and efficiently accomplish functions of teaching extension work and research.

Educational management is a dynamic field that encompasses the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of educational institutions and systems. It ensures that educational processes are efficient, effective, and aligned with institutional goals and societal needs. This blog will delve into the core concepts, scope, and types of educational management to provide a comprehensive understanding of this crucial domain.

Scopes of Educational Management :

The scopes of educational management can be broadly divided into 5 aspects. Those are discussed below:

a) Planning: Planning is an important aspect of management. The manager or the head of the institution needs to plan the programs Planning is the process of making plans to fulfill aims and objectives. and activities of the institution very carefully and objectively based upon available facts and figures, needs and requirements of the institution. Planning is made for short term or long term period. It must be goal directed and comprehensive.

b) Organizing: After planning is done, it is necessary to organize things accordingly.           A manager should be a good organizer. Poor organization leads to wastage and bad outcomes. The programs and activities should be organized perfectly with co-operation from one and all. If necessary the manager may delegate certain responsibilities to some teachers to organize certain activities.

c) Direction: Management has an important function of directing people and programs. It is essential that there must be an authority or an order or a policy of providing direction to the management and for taking decision in solving the problems. The manager as a director plays the role of a leader who provides leadership to the members of the organization as to what to do, how to do and when to do. The direction and vision should be clear, direct and specific in nature.

d) Co-ordination: In every organization different types of work are done by various departments or different persons. In order to achieve the goals, there should be co-ordination between all members or departments. Coordination is the orderly arrangement of individual and group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of a common goal. The manager has to co-ordinate the activities of people who are involved in the system.

e) Evaluation: Evaluation is necessary for bringing about improvement in the management of educational institutions. It is also desirable that both internal and external agencies need to be involved in evaluating the achievement and performance of the individuals concerned with management. Various systems and sub systems, should be assessed and reviewed from time to time. Evaluation of students’ achievement and teacher performance should be done in a continuous and comprehensive way.

Some others important point :

Institutional Management: This covers the administrative and operational aspects of schools, colleges, and universities, including policy development, staff management, and student affairs.

Curriculum and Instruction: Focuses on designing, implementing, and assessing the curriculum, as well as the instructional methods used to deliver it. This scope ensures that educational content is current and pedagogically sound.

Financial Management: Involves budgeting, accounting, and financial planning to allocate resources effectively and ensure the financial sustainability of educational institutions.

Human Resource Management: Addresses the recruitment, training, and development of educational staff. It also includes performance management and addressing issues related to staff welfare and motivation.

Student Services: Encompasses support services for students, including counseling, career guidance, and extracurricular activities. These services contribute to the holistic development of students.

Community and Stakeholder Engagement: Involves collaboration with parents, local communities, and other stakeholders to enhance educational outcomes and address the needs of the wider society.

Types of Educcational Management:

Centralized Management: The word ‘centralize’ means to cluster or bring around a center or to concentrate authority or powers in a central group. Centralized management is the management practice of accumulating all or most decision makers into one central office.  In a centralized organization, all of the power or decision making authority lies with a group or individual at the top. The other members of the organization then work to carry out the decisions made by top level leaders. A centralized structure can help organizations control costs, quality, efficiency and overall operations. It has complete power over all resources i.e. money, information, people, technology. It decides the content of curriculum, controls the budget and is responsible for employment, the building of educational facilities, discipline policies etc.


1) Responsibilities and duties are well defined. 

2) Decision making is very direct and clear. 

3) Uniform policy can be evolved. 

4) Decreases complexity of co-ordination. 

5) It reduces cost as it does not require more specialists.

6) Most suitable model for taking decisions in stable environment. 


1) Top management is over burdened with many functions and problems. 

2) Supporting staff are over burdened with tasks. 3) Can not quickly adapt to changing environment. 4) It is not suitable to manage diversified and dispersed organization. 

5) It results in delayed decisions.

Decentralized Management:      Decentralization is a systematic delegation of authority at all levels of management. Decentralization is a type of organizational structure in which daily operations and decision making responsibilities are delegated by top management to middle and lower level managers within the organization, allowing the top management to focus more on major decisions. This process transfers decision making powers from central ministries of education to intermediate governments, communities and schools. Decentralization proves it self better in terms of decision making.


1) Reduces the burden on top management. 

2) Quick decision making. 

3) Better control and supervision. 

4) Employees are empowered by having more autonomy to make their own decisions.

5) It raises the level of motivation in the organization due to partition of lower ranks in the decision making and executive process.

6) Records located near staff creating and using them.


1) Uniform policies are not followed. 

2) There are problems of co-ordination.

3) Requires more qualified persons. 

4) Increases cost.

Democratic management:                               Simply the word democracy refers to the rule of the majority. In democratic management each member of the organization is given full freedom to state his opinion. The head of the company or department allows the employees to take part in decision making. Therefore everything is agreed upon by majority.

Democratic management in an organization involves the redistribution of power and authority between employees and managers to provide employe involvement in decision making. Here people are encouraged to share their ideas and then the best possible decision is taken from the available informations .

Advantages :

1) Builds strong teams. 

2) Gives solution to complex problems. 

3) Provides creative environment. 

4) Makes workers empowered. 

5) Increases production. 

6) All the people involved use their skills together for the completion of a certain task and almost all ideas are taken into consideration and carefully debated.

7) Employees participate in decision making process; hence feel satisfied. 

8) A positive work environment is created. 

9) Subordinates get full opportunity to utilize their capability.

Limitations :

1) In the midst of a crisis, no time is usually available to address everyone concerned.

2) It takes time to talk to a number of individuals and collect a variety of opinions.

3) Decision making are delayed.

Authoritarian Management:

Authoritarian or autocratic management is the type of management where there is only one person in the charge of total authority and control over decision making. Here the manager makes choices or decisions based on his own beliefs and do not involve others for their suggestion or advice.

Here the manager gives no space for discussion. Managers give only orders and others employees are bound to follow the order without any question. That single person has the power to judge everything and there is no other superior post to challenge over his decision.

Advantages :

1) Quick decision making. 

2) Decision making, planning or organizing needs no initiative. 

3) Strong control and chain of command is possible. 

4) Most effective in organizations where chain of commands is crucial. 

5) Strict discipline is followed. 

6) This style may yield better results when greater speed is required. 

7) As there is no consultation with sub-ordinates, confidential matter can be kept secret.


1) Jobs are assigned, instructions are issued without consulting the person who is performing the job.

2) Subordinates are forced to follow the directions. 3) Creative ideas of employees are not utilized. 

4) Organization continuity is threatened in the absence of the head. 

5) Lesser freedom to employees. 

6) Bad for highly skilled employees. 

7) Lead to frustration, low motivation among subordinates.

Participatory Management:

Participatory management is the practice of empowering of all members of a group, such as employees of a department or citizens of a society, to participate in organizational decision making. While leaders have final decision making authority every time, participants are encouraged to voice their opinions. Employees are invited to share in the decision making process by participating in activities such as setting goals, determining work schedules and making suggestions.

The concept of participatory management has a number of meanings. First, it means that both the center and the state participate in the policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. Second, it also implies that management of education at the state level involves participation of district level and block level officers. Third, at the grass root level, teachers, parents, community members, supervisors, students and voluntary agencies participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of policies and programs.


1) Increase in productivity. 

2) Job satisfaction specially when people see their suggestions and recommendations being implemented.

3) Increases motivation of employees. 

4) Since inputs or feedback comes from people who are part of the process at lowest level, thus improves quality.

5) Reduces cost as there is lesser need of supervision. 

6) Empowers employees to use their creativity. 

7) Better decision making.


1) Decision making process slows down. 

2) Security issue arises as too many people are known to lots of facts and information.

3) Gives rise to many conflicts. 

4) Some group members may feel frustrated if their suggestions are not accepted.

Non- participatory Management:                  Non-participatory management is traditional, bureaucratic and centralized. All decisions came from the top or central authority. Community members do not have any opportunity for participation in the formulation of plans. They only have to simply execute and implement the plans imposed from above. The manager is regarded as the all knowing person. He formulates plans, decides policies, gives directions, exercises control, takes disciplinary or corrective measures and often gives suggestions. The employees’ suggestions are not taken into consideration.


1) Decision making is fast.

2) Confidential maters can be kept secret. 

3) There are less conflicts.


1) Lesser freedom to employees.

2) There is no place for creative ideas of employees. 

3) Employees are not motivated. 

4) There is no job satisfaction. 

5) Employees are only to follow instructions which may create frustration.


Jjiisan is a content writer with 15+ months of experience in the education and career domains. He is a graduate in Chemistry from Delhi University and has previously worked with SamagraSikhya. At, he creates real-time content related to Govt Job Notifications he can be reached at

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